A Tribute to a Drag Racing Legend - Presented by... "Wild, One Handed, Willie Borsh and The Winged Express" ! |
Yes, this is the legendary, record-breaking machine that had been masterminded and crafted by Alvin "Mousie" Marcellus and driven by his friend "Wild Willie" Borsch, The Winged Express!
" ..Yes, even in death, the exploits of "Wild Willie" continue to be stranger than fiction. But it was his displays of bravado and fearlessness on Planet Earth for which he will be most be remembered for. Consider the time he banged the car off the guardrail, crossed the centerline, bounced off the other guardrail, crossed the centerline again (to get back into his own lane), and caught and passed the guy he was racing. The fact that he denied to Mousie that he was driving the altered with one hand--(Marcellus had to show Borsch photographs of him in action to prove it.) Or the night at Lions Drag Strip when Willie stabbed the throttle and the entire machine leaped into the air, it landed, Willie whapped it again, she became airborn once more, it came down facing the guardrail, Willie punched the throttle anyway, straightened 'er out and consummated the run. The crowd went "apeshit". .......Story by: Cole Coonce.
(left picture)-note position of Willy's left hand! (right picture)-The driving style of "Willy Borsh" |