Wild Willy Borsh and The Winged Express, Tribute Site!
This web site is a tribute to the skill
and genius of a fallen hero. "(It is too ironic: that the man who cheated death every time he climbed into his asbestos fire suit, the man who drove his race car in a style entirely too ornery for pregnant women or the faint of heart to observe, the man who held the grim reaper his self in a chokehold, claimed by something as banal as cancer. It seems a cruel,
sick joke.)"...Words by: Cole Coonce.

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(Disclaimer:) In an effort to bring this site to you I have "borrowed" pictures and the story from other sites. I do not intend to take the credit for either the pictures nor the writings within this site. I will gladly add names and credit to any photographers and writers of any material used and/or borrowed from other sites accordingly. (I would most appreciate help from anyone wishing to assist me in this effort, as well).